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    Hello World!

    The idea has been almost two years in the making. It's finally here now. Like all ideas, good and bad, it needed some incubation time.

    What's the big idea? This site is all about my experiments with Sub-Irrigated Planters also known as SIPs. The idea of a Sub-Irrigated Planter is surely not mine. Google the term and you will find the idea dating back to early 19th century. People have been exploring this form of growing plants and vegetables for a while now.

    As to the website, it’s been a collective effort to get this thing going. First, Brian Phillips who came up with a winning name for the website and designed the logo. Brady Jacobs who did the infographics of the planter for the DIY guide. Last but not the least, Bhavana Joshi who designed the landing pages and got the first version of this site up and running.

    I plan on regularly updating this journal/blog and keep everyone posted of what’s going on with my farming and the latest developments in building new and improved planters.

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