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    Entries in chipmunk (2)


    Chipmunk strikes again, should the empire strike back?

    This is the third time the chipmunk has made a feast of the cabbage. I am trying to grow cabbage for the first time and I planted 8 of them, but only 4 yielded results so far. The chipmunk marked his territory over 3 of them. It’s only a matter of time it attacks the 4th one.

    I have been humoring the chipmunk for a while now with cherry tomatoes and roma tomatoes. But the last 2 weeks I have been too busy to tend to the garden and forgot about “Chippy”. I guess he wants attention. As they say, “be careful what you wish for, you might get it.” But of course,  Chippy is well protected by his allies: my daughter and wife. The rule being if you are not with us, you are against us.


    Surviving the odds against heat and pests

    As far as the plants go, this summer has been a story of resilience. The 100°+ temperatures, lack of rain, and the occasional bring-down-the-trees-thunderstorm has taken its toll on many gardens.

    In my case, the cherry tomatoes couldn’t take the heat. They have stopped flowering now, the leaves have turned yellow and the fruits have begun to crack due to the temperature swings.

    Twice a chipmunk attacked the cabbages. Apparently, the chipmunk prefers to eat a fresh cabbage every time and not return to the half eaten one he left behind earlier. Can’t do much about the chipmunk he’s under total protection of my daughter. ;)

    Then the beetles decided to take over the cucumber plant and establish their domain. The first signs were the leaves began to rot and the cucumbers turned yellow due to insect infestation. But it was nothing some organic pesticides couldn’t fix. They are back up now and hopefully will be more fruitful this season.

    Despite all this, the cucumber yield has not stopped. In all I have about 4 cucumber plants and they have all been very productive.

    The 7 green pepper plants have been tough in the face of all adversity. They have been very productive, on par with the eggplants. They are sweet and really make some good tempura.

    Two eggplants perform like a factory. There’s something to harvest every other day.

    The swiss chards survived the horrible thunderstorm and are back in full bloom.

    The roma tomatoes were late bloomers but now they are full of fruits, but they have stopped flowering due to the heat. They should deliver on the 25 lbs per box expectation.